Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Woah, it's been way longer than I thought

So I guess it's been like 2 months since my last post, so here it is... I did these at work because it's boring! It's still unfinished and as of now, I have no idea if it will ever be, so i threw together a really quick color.


Marf Machine said...

Nice, representin' da warlocks.

Fedaykin said...

Thats tigitty tight. You wanna hit up the greek festival friday around 10?

Jared Rosser said...

Yippity skippity. Looks good, but I bet yeti would have made it look cooler. You guys should hook up sometime and do a nice little collaberation. Maybe aware could get in on the action too. I hear he is amazing.

Jennifer said...

...and now its been another month...